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Classic Christmas Cookies

Classic Christmas Cookies

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“A classic Christmas pastime is making cookies. But, which is the best Christmas cookie recipe? Without a doubt, it's these ones from ekilu. Guard it well because they're going to turn out amazing. They're magical!”


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6 servings

Fresh ingredients


2 oz

egg yolk
egg yolk

1 unit

Pantry ingredients


2 oz

wheat flour
wheat flour

4 oz

corn starch
corn starch

0.18 oz

vanilla essence
vanilla essence

1/2 tsp


1 pinch


Start this recipe by pulverizing the sugar in your food processor until you have powdered sugar. This sugar  will turn out to be as fine as flour, or as close as possible. If you have powdered sugar on hand, you can just use this instead.
Add the room temperature butter to a deep bowl. Use a spatula to mash the butter until smooth.
Add the powdered sugar and a pinch of salt. Use the spatula to mix until there is no sugar in sight.
Add the egg yolk and vanilla essence or extract, and mix again using the spatula.
Mix the flour and cornstarch in a separate bowl. Slowly mix in these ingredients into the sugar and egg bowl. You will want to do this slowly and not at once and use your spatula so there is no flour left. You will be left with a light brown batter that will break easily.
Spread a piece of parchment paper on a baking sheet. Place the batter right in the middle. Cover the batter with another piece of parchment paper and press down on the batter using your hands. You can use a rolling pin to roll the dough out and spread it out on the sheet. Try getting the dough to be about 1.5-2 inches thick. Place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 350°F about 10 minutes before baking.
Remove the dough from the fridge, remove the parchment paper on top and begin to cut the cookies into your desired shape. If you don't have any cookie cutters you can use a cup to give them a round shape.
Bake for 11 minutes. Remove the cookies and place them onto a cooling rack and let them cool. They're delicious!

Tips & Tricks

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With the given quantities, we got 26 cookies the size of the cookies in the picture.

These cookies are perfect to decorate.

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