Kidney Bean Burrito Bowl
2 servings
Fresh ingredients

1/2 unit

2 handfuls

1/2 unit

1/2 unit

1 unit

1 unit

1 unit
Pantry ingredients

1 small jar

1 cup

4 tbsp

2 pinches

1 tbsp
Tips & Tricks
Try adding yuca (cassava) to the same dish with your sweet potato. If you don't have either of these ingredients, you can use normal potatoes baked in the oven, or steamed.
In the pot for the rice, before adding anything, you can try frying up some garlic. When they are nice and golden brown you can add the rice to them and mix. After giving it a couple of stirs add the water with the salt to boil. Cooking it this way adds more flavor to the rice.
In step 3, try spicing up your veggies by adding cayenne to the onion and bell pepper when you begin to sauté.
Why don't you try adding a citrus touch to your bean and veggie sauté by adding a couple drops of orange juice? It'll give it a nice touch.