Lemon and Yogurt Sponge Cake
4 servings
Fresh ingredients

1 unit

1 unit

3 units
Pantry ingredients

1 tsp

1/2 cup

7 oz

5 oz
Tips & Tricks
To make it easier to calculate the measurements of the ingredients without taking out the scale, try using a yogurt container. The amount of oil needed in this recipe is the equivalent to one yogurt, the sugar is two yogurt containers worth (we used a little bit less because we didn't want it too sweet) and the flour is three yogurt containers worth (so 1 for the oil, 2 for the sugar, 3 for the flour).
You can use plain yogurt or a lemon flavored one for this recipe.
The time needed to bake the sponge cake will vary depending on your oven. It took ours 30 minutes but it could be more or less depending on the oven you have at home. We recommend that after about 25 minutes, you pay closer attention and prick the center to see how much longer it needs.